Taranto, 1952
Alba Rosa Mancini, born in Manduria (Taranto), is an architect, designer, and artist specialized in jewelry and furnishings. A Neapolitan by adoption and vocation (she has been living and working in the city of Naples for years in her home studio), Alba Rosa Mancini has managed to capture the profound connection between decorative arts and craftsmanship in her works. This is evident not only in her furnishings but also in her production of jewelry, which can be seen as true bodily architectures.
Indeed, jewelry has always had a semiotic function, capable of serving as a social tool for representing the bustling mix of meanings, symbols, rituals, and beliefs of a particular historical moment, thus becoming perfectly suited for dialogue with contemporary art forms.
A similar discourse can be applied to her sculptures: conceived not merely as ornamentation but as a fruitful fusion of visual arts and design capable of conveying ideas, values, and expressive identities.
Her works are, in fact, a direct expression of her Mediterranean identity: through the use of copper, iron, steel, paper, and resins in her works, she clearly makes references to both her Apulian origins and her connection with the city of Naples, as evidenced by the volcanic allusions in her creations.
Alba Rosa Mancini has designed and furnished homes in Naples, Rome, Milan, and Apulia, with projects where the relationship with the surrounding environment has been extremely carefully considered. Among the activities she has carried out for cultural institutions, it is worth mentioning the creation of wearable art pieces conceived in conjunction with the exhibition The Silent language of nature, curated by Cynthia Penna in 2022.

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